The March on Washington: 50 years laters


This coming Saturday along with hundreds of others, I will be embarking on a journey to where 50 years ago one of the greatest men marched for civil rights of African-American people. While others will be sleeping in the bed, my younger brother and I will be boarding a bus at 4:00 A.M. in the morning for the about 5 hour drive.

Fifty years ago, I wasn’t even born and my mother was only six years old. Yet, it is important to me that I be there to pay homage to those who treaded the path through the blood of the slaughtered. It is important that I stand and say that, while we have come aways we have not fully overcome. Many would like to believe that a Black President of the United States has made racial equality all the more better. That could not be furthest from the truth. We still live in a world where racism is clear. Rather then them calling you N*gg* to your face they are doing other things.

Have you ever wondered why, Black people make up least amount of the population in tis country yet are at the top of the list for everything negative. There are more black in prison. There are more blacks that suffer from chronic conditions. There are more blacks infected with the HIV/AIDS. More blacks die from breast cancer. Health disparities are seen in black neighborhoods.

So yeah, I felt that I have to be there on Saturday to march for the rights of people who are still being denied basic things like adequate education and health care. They are being denied the right to live and grow old. They are being gunned down because they seem to be a thug only because they are wearing a hoodie or didn’t turn down their music. They are being policed by crooked police who use their guns and badges like billy clubs and waterhoses.

I have been fortunate to be blessed with a lot in spite of my race, my gender, and even my religion. I believe that I have a duty to get on a bus and let this country know that while they have come a long way…they still have a long way to go when it comes to valuing the civile rights of black people. After all, “To whom much is given, much is required.”

Words of wisdom: “The revolution is at hand, and we must free ourselves of the chains of political and economic slavery. The nonviolent revolution is saying, “We will not wait for the courts to act, for we have waited hundreds of years. We will not wait for the President, nor the Justice Department, nor Congress, but we will take matters into our own hands, and create a great source of power, outside of any national structure that could and would assure us victory.” For those who have said, “Be patient and wait!” we must say, “Patience is a dirty and nasty word.” We cannot be patient, we do not want to be free gradually, we want our freedom, and we want it now. We cannot depend on any political party, for the Democrats and the Republicans have betrayed the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence” John Lewis

In health,

October’s other cause: Domestic Violence


While going through my twitter timeline @maliykaishealth, I came across the above tweet. As you may or may not know, in addition to October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, it is also Domestic Violence Awareness month. I wonder how many people knew that?

I am a big football lover. In spite of my Jets disappointing me, I am loyal to them. As soon as October began, I noted the uniform change. The players wore pink sneakers and gloves. Coaches, including my beloved Rex Ryan wore a sweater vest with the breast cancer logo on it. I approved of this uniform change however, I was disappointed. On a few occasions, I tweeted the NFL asking them where the attire representative of Domestic Violence awareness was? There is no question that breast cancer is a serious disease but is it more important than domestic violence?

We live in a blame the victim society. The fact that breast cancer in no shape, form or fashion is really preventable seems to have entitled the disease to more attention than domestic violence. There is no question that a lot of times, domestic violence victims have placed themselves in situations that had they not they would not be victims. However, that does not negate the fact that they are being victimized and deserve support.

Domestic Violence is a costly and deadly occurrence. It deserves more attention than what it is getting. It deserves the same amount of attention that breast cancer is getting. The nation should be painted purple and pin in honor of the victims and survivors. Sport teams should pay homage to both causes at the same time. Wear purple gloves and pink sneakers or perhaps one of each. Have multiple logos placed on team uniforms. Speak out just as frequently on domestic violence as is done for breast cancer. By ignoring the cause you are telling the women who really had no recourse that they are not important. Only S&M victims like to intentionally be abused. They get off sexually. Domestic Violence victims are not getting off sexually. They are not asking to be hit or abused in any matter purposefully. Unless you are in their shoes, you don’t know how hard it is for them to leave.

Let make October 2013 the first time ever where both causes are given prominent shine. Let’s find a cure for breast cancer and end domestic violence. They both are issues that plagued our society. they both deserve the same amount of attention. Who is down with me for the cause.

Todays prescription: Honor yourself and never let anyone take from you who you are.

In health,
Maliyka is health

Service in the name of health: Double Up 4 Vision

For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what to talk about for Talk about it Tuesday. I started writing one thing and then decided against it. It wasn’t a bad post. I just didn’t want to talk about it. Then it came to me. Today’s post should be dedicated to one of my endeavors.

For those who know me, you know that I am all about service. I even joined a Sorority whose founding principles included service. Loving service the way that I do is probably why I fell in love with the public health field. There is nothing but service in this field. I am in service heaven. A lot of times the service that I am involved with need some type of physical movement on my part. My newest service for the year is no different. i will actually be riding my bike. On October 13th, participating in the Double up 4 Vision race.

Double up 4 Vision is a race hosted by Lighthouse International. For over 106 years, Lighthouse International has fought the good fight against vision loss through prevention, treatment, and empowerment. As a person who wears glasses and has an increased risk due to familial history of having severe vision issues, this organization is dear to me. My maternal grandmother, God bless her soul was legally blind in one eye. She has glaucoma and was using drops for as long as I can remember. A few years ago, my mother was diagnosed with glaucoma. While I do not have glaucoma, I am at risk and find myself going to the eye doctor several times a year. So many people of color have vision issues secondary to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Programs such as Lighthouse International are necessary in fighting the good fight. Personally, I can’t imagine being blind. I don’t even want to be legally blind.

I look forward to riding my bike in this race. I ride for all of those who can’t see but wish that they could. Being able to see for many is a luxury that not everyone can afford. I ask that you support my endeavors and give to my cause. If you happen to be on the sidelines watching, I will be the one with the purple and white bike with huffy written in gold. You can donate here. I promise you no amount is to small and is appreciated.

Today’s prescription: Appreciate the little things and take nothing for granted. No pun intended, but in the blink of an eye what you knew yesterday could be gone today.

In health,

Maliyka is health